Winetasting Aperitivo “Orvieto Natural” and Fund raising for “La Selvara”

We have mixed feelings about and mixed tasting experiences with “natural” wines. At least we are for an empirical and practical approach and not for an ideological.

We will make you taste wines from “La Selvara” (Orvieto/San LorenzoNuovo) and “Danielli” (Allerona).

In the meantime we got to know from “La Selvara”, that their winery was destroyed by a gas explosion. We will sell at the event our bottles from “La Selvara” and “Danielli”. All the money will go to Gigi for reconstruction.

From Danielli ( we will taste:

  • Cinquemila lire
  • Quando torni
  • Un giorno capirai
  • Battibaleno

From La selvara

  • Placebo
  • Epops (merlot)
  • LLea (Aleatico)

The event takes place, Saturday 2 December at 18;30, Buonrespiro 37. Participation: 20 €-

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